Saturday, August 31, 2019

On genocide

When you genuinely believe you’re superior to other people, being held accountable can “feel” like persecution. This disgusting level of entitlement gives us the conspiracist fantasy of “white genocide”, where supposedly an organized army of immigrants have kids “at” the white people in your country in a deliberate effort to destroy and replace them.

A form of genocide that is usually only a tangential byproduct to the kind of genocide where you actually kill people. And of course no such organized, cruel "takeovers" exist. You'd really have to be conceited like a five year old, completely unaware and unable to even imagine you're "not" the literal center of the universe, to think that a million refugees huddled in a camp in Yemen are plotting to ruin "you", even aside from the absurdity (and additional conceit) of accomplishing your ruin by having kids that would ... live? ... where your future progeny ... might also live?

But as we can see with a certain amount of paranoid, egomaniacal delusion and a liberally stretched definition of the word "genocide", it's not impossible to argue such a thing is happening in various WENA regions. So let's see how the white genocide is coming along. There are ten stages of genocide commonly talked about since Dr Gregory Hanson's 2012 text; let's go over them one by one.

1. CLASSIFICATION: People are divided into "us" and "them"
Here the racist already runs into problems, because there is no "us". The vague group of "immigrants" look scary at a distance, if you're scared of things that are different, but they're not actually a homogeneous unit. You may be able to discern a cohesive "us" among specific immigrant communities, but then that group is not going to have a "them" that both includes all the white people and is a group against which they can pose a threat, given their inferior numbers and capital. Come to think of it, this perception of an existential threat probably hinges on the common misconception of just how many immigrants there are in your country; I recall a survey showing the average person's "belief" of how many Muslims lived in various European countries outnumbered the actual Muslims by like 5-20 times.

2. SYMBOLIZATION: People are forced to identify themselves.
Again, no. There is nobody forcing white people to identify as white. If you have forms where you have to fill in your ethnicity, you can bet these forms were witten by and are enforced by white people. If you have people in the street giving you side eyes because you look white, you can bet you're enjoying the social capital to ignore them with little consequence.

3. DISCRIMINATION: People begin to face systematic discrimination.
This is of course where the racist will take affirmative action as discrimination against whites. It's not. It's the "tiniest" gesture towards trying to "balance" the centuries of discrimination against people of color that has left them with a systemic disadvantage easily observed in any kind of average income statistics. See above re. confusing accountability and persecution. People in WENA get called to job interviews "more" often if they have a white-sounding name, not the other way around. And again, there just doesn't exist any infrastructure for immigrants to wield power to enact discrimination on a national scale even if they wanted.

4. DEHUMANIZATION: People are equated with animals, vermin or diseases.
Yeah, we've seen that one a lot in the news lately. Brown-skinned immigrants calling white third-generation Americans vermin. No wait, it's the other way around. Some of the white people calling the people of color vermin even hold the office of the president. Once again, the specific actions involved in genocide are more accurately said to be perpetrated "by" the white people than against them.

5. ORGANISATION: The government creates special military and law enforcement group to enforce discriminating policies.
Yes, the duly elected parliament of immigrants whose authority is recognized by many law enforcement agencies this week signed the paperwork to form the office of Homeland Security, and start construction on another for-profit prison.

6. POLARIZATION: The government broadcasts propaganda to turn the populace against the group.
Imagine the opposite of Fox News. Now try to say that's happening, anywhere in the world, in any imaginable reality.

7. PREPARATION: Official action to remove and relocate people begins.
For the record, mass forced relocations is not when you get kicked out for failing to pay rent. It is in fact what Donald Trump promised in 2015; the only issue on which he has never changed his opinion to whatever he deems convenient at the moment.

8. PERSECUTION: Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres.
Now, it's possible to argue the government in several WENA countries are only "close" to this point - again, white people genociding people of color, "not" the other way around - and it's possible to argue the independent actors committing mass murders on immigrants don't qualify as acts of genocide due to the governments' reluctance to support them, but it's sure as fuck not possible to argue this is something that's happening to white people in WENA.

9. EXTERMINATION: Wholesale elimination of the group. It is "extermination" and not murder because the people killing them do not believe they are human.
Since the "War on terror" started tens of thousands of people have been killed in terrorist attacks. It's probably safe to say these killers do not believe their victims to be human. But now we're really far from the concept of genocide. If bin Ladin had been tried in court, it would not have been for genocide. We're reaching so far from those supposed secret breeding programs "white genocide" was supposed to be about; now we're just talking about people being killed, not actually for their skin color, and with means and motivations so broad we might as well count the hundreds of thousands of people murdered by white people. But that's as close as we can get to claiming there is a "wholesale elimination" of white people by immigrants going on anywhere.

10. DENIAL: The government denies that it has committed a crime.
Right, the immigrant government that denies its crimes so successfully not even the most deranged conspriacy theory could suggest it exists at all. There are 850 million white people in the world. As a rule, we run the wealthy and influential parts of the world. Neither of these two things are in any danger of changing, though the latter one "should" change if you're into democracy. And to think keeping the first one the same has some kind of value that's worth making people suffer in any way is ridiculous.

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