Monday, November 23, 2020

These questions keep me up at night, or rather, the way people approach the questions

If you can go back in time and buy stock, you have functionally infinite money. Are you really going to support some ethical black hole like Apple corporation just to make that infinite money faster? What stock would you buy if you cared about people? (I don't know. Someone please research this for me.)

And if you walk in the forest and find a person in a large glass jar, you have no information to go on when deciding to free them or not besides the fact that: Someone was able and willing to put this person in a jar. The prisoner could be evil, or their jailer could be evil. It’s impossible for you to know beforehand. There could be complexities to the situation you can’t understand. The question isn’t how you can figure out who to trust, the question is if you side with the established power structure or against it. (I fight the power. Always.)

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